Voice of White Buffalo Calf Woman

“Aho! Greetings from the Rainbow Tribes,

I am White Buffalo Calf Woman, offering the sacred chanunpa, as the “Pipe of Peace”. I invite you to smoke with me offering gratitude and prayer as the world is ushering in a new Millennium of Peace and Harmony with their global celebrations.

This is an auspicious time, a time of gathering the rainbow tribes into a harmonious blend of human alliance. We are here to initiate the most joyous era this planet has ever known, a period of renewed harmony that will see the two-legged awaken, the four-legged flourish, the rivers run pure, and humankind in conscious exchange with the stars. It has been prophesied that the day will come in which we will all join together, male and female, young and old, with all cultures of the 12 rainbow tribes to smoke the pipe of peace, passing it from one hand to the next, inclusive of all people and all our relations. This gathering of the tribes, celebrated by the opening of a new potential in a new millennium, is fast approaching. The ancient prophecy speaks truth.

With this holy pipe male and female live in balance and harmony. (She ceremoniously joins the pipe stem with the bowl) With this holy pipe in your hands, your feet rest upon the earth and the pipestem reaches into the sky, (She touches the bowl to the earth with the step pointing upward) With the breath of your body, it becomes a living bridge between the Sacred Beneath and the Sacred Above.

Wakan Tanka smiles upon us when we come together as one: earth, sky, the two-legged, the four-legged, the swimmers, the winged ones, the crawly ones, the trees, the stones, the grasses and all living things. We are all one family and the smoking of this pipe binds us together.

I pass you this pipe to into your hands, smoke and offer your prayers to the Earth Mother, smoke and offer your prayers to Father Sky, smoke and offer your prayers of the heart. Then in all reverence, pass it on to he who sits beside you as it continues around the circle of One, for we are all one circle.

We, the bearers of peace, are here for the many, no longer for the few. We share our ways. We share our ceremonies. We are walking into a new world unraveling the veils of love. We ask that you share your love with those most dear to you. Share this smoke of the rainbow tribes to create harmony amongst yourselves. A new life awaits you, a life of peace, love and harmony amongst all the tribes on earth and beyond. Aho”
~White Buffalo Calf Woman~
December 31, 1999

© Sharon Lyn Shepard, 2000