Unconditional Acceptance

“My dearest one, step off the pedestal of your perceived perfected self into the peace of unconditional acceptance. In your acute desire to be the perfect perception of your highest Self, you are constantly scrutinizing yourself to fix that which is broken, wrong, and diseased. Your life is spent aiming for a false sense of perfected enlightenment. But what is enlightenment?

Beyond that, you’ve done others the same disservice by perching them on this same precarious pedestal, individually as well as groups, including the world at large. In doing so, you’ve negated the rite to love everyone one for who they are. Of course, it is with the highest intentions. But this constant criticism is taking its toll on humanity.

Recognize this obsession with perfectionism as a symptom of fear, the fear of never being enough, the fear of never being worthy of love. Beloved One, You are already love, how can you possibly be unworthy of what you already are?
This eroding belief of unworthiness requires immediate transformation. With the loving grace of the Goddess let us consider an effortless way to move through it. Simply put all your expectations and attachments aside because those are the things against which you judge.

Many age-old attachments and desires carry within them a linage of specific expectations. Peace, for instance, does not necessarily mean quiet. Internal stillness, yes, but that differs from quiet. Can you be in the stillness while surrounded by the ripples of chaos? That, dear one, is real peace. Peace is found when you can turn away from distractions, refocus your mind and go within to the stillness that resides in your heart.

And what of love? Why do you limit your acceptance of love? For love given, you expect love in return? Why not simply share the abundance of your love and allow it to flourish, for you can’t give something you don’t already have. When you can see every action as an action of love by being able to give and accept without any agendas, then you will know the truth of Love.
By focusing on unconditional acceptance of yourself and others you can open to love by allowing and empowering each of you to live the fullness of your dreams. Then step back and watch as your innate perfection blossoms, expands and shows its full array of colors.

A change in your perspective is all that’s called for. In accepting things as they are, nothing resists you, and nothing recoils back at you. The search for that illusive spark of love lies in the innocence of a child. That Love can be so-easily found by aligning with your heart, where it bubbles in a constant froth of passion.

Love where you are on the way to where you’re going. It really is as simple as living in gratitude for what already surrounds you. So, stop looking for what you need to change and focus on the beauty that already resides in your heart. I see that beauty in you, can you?” ~Black Madonna~

© Sharon Lyn Shepard, 2000