Breath of Life

“Sweet, sweet stillness. All the beauty and proliferation of life surrounds us in the potency of this stillness. Feel it lapping around you as gentle waves of peace and serenity. Breathe it in deeply. Yes, even more deeply. Deep into your body, into the cells, into the microorganisms that constitute your material form. Breathe softly, allowing the belly to fill and empty with its own innate rhythm. Feel the chest rise and fall as the heart expands with each breath, releasing the toxins with my gentle touch, refilling with the beauty and love of the Quan Yin. Open to receive. Breathe into the One heart. Breathe in the Love that is your birthright. Breathe more deeply than you have ever done before.

Now . . . I guide you to the sweet sweet center that allows you to open your lotus blossom, petal by petal, revealing who you are, your divine expression of Self, the Beloved within. Sit in the stillness, allowing these blossoms to unfold, gently unfurling, as only they know how to do. Allow them to surround you, support you, comfort you, and instill you. Be still and know.” ~Quan Yin~

© Sharon Lyn Shepard, 2000